News Apps are continuously evolving in all app stores located on our smartphones. Individuals even have access to apps on their tablets, and computers. Whether it's the Apple Store (iPhones) or Google Play(Android), billions of applications are designed for just about any user's needs. According to Buildfire Mobile App Statistics, 1.96 million apps are listed in the Apple App Store and 2.87 million apps are available on the Google Play Store.
Social networking. calenders/reminders, online banking, gaming/entertainment, health, and fitness, social networking, education, music, weather, shopping, and much more are all categories in which apps are offered. There are apps designed to fit any user's needs. Unfortunately, there is one classification I did not exactly mention, but because this particular genre could fall into multiple flow into a variety of these listings... NEWS
With the mobility of apps today, we have news at our fingertips. Literally!
Mobile platforms are constantly booming while updating the latest collections of information. NEWS.
The screenshots pictured below are what appeared in the Apple Store titled "news apps."
When you hear "news app" the first thing that comes to my mind and maybe yours is more of a national news site that deals with more crime, weather, and political afilliatied headlines. For instance, FOX New, CNN, ABC News, and other broadcasting platforms appear to me when I hear news.
As you can see, there are a variety of news apps to choose from in the app store that are spreading information world wide. In my opinion, getting access to information that is interesting, as well as becoming beneficals within your lifestyle is very important. I like a listening post. The news you optain throughout your day is the information in which you allow to control your way of living, state of mind, behavior, and/or your decision making.With that being said, why not acquire news that forces a greater impact on your existence?
In addition, I have recently stumbled upon a news app in particular that I have really enjoyed...
It's the best of both worlds!
News That Matters
SmartNews is an award winning news app available in the Apple Store and Google Play. It has been downloaded by 50+ million readers located in 150+ countries. The app offers the latest world news, US news, sports news, weather forecasts, and more. SmartNews studies millions of articles daily to distribute the top trending news headlines within the present world. In fact, "SmartNews delivers high-quality news headlines and breaking news from top national news publishers: NBC News, USA Today, The Huffingtion Post, Bleacher Report, FOX News, Bloomberg, The Guardian, Politicao, TMZ, NY Post, Business Insider and more."
On top of what the app has to offer, the mobility of the app gains a huge advantage.
What you see here is a screenshot of the SmartNews app once it's downloaded. The mobile format is displayed just as the desktop version shown on computers but smaller.
SmartNews is so easy to operate and manage. Besides, the variety of channels offered at the top of the visual, only makes it that much easier for users to thumb through headlines. The search engine is also available to discover anything specific.
Pay close attention to the tabs located at the top of the graphic. This particular app offers customizable channels in which suits the user.
For instance, once the indiuvual has downloaded the app, the designer insists that the app is setup their way.
Notice Here...
Once you begin your first click, the app will then ask, "Pick from these popular topics." The app will list a grouping of topics to choose from to know what range of news you're interested in. Once again the search bar is visible.
- Top News
- Local New (location needed)
- Following (news you follow)
- Covid
- Entertainment
- Lifestyle
- U.S.
- Politics
- Sports
- World
- Biz
- Tech
- Science
- Buzz
With the mobility of apps today, it’s nothing but ease at your fingertips to navigate through the news you want. There are easier, manageable, and efficient ways to fiddle through news manner