Big Bird, from the educational children's T.V. series, "Sesame Street" has the media in a bird's nest. Yes, a Muppet character that is.
On Saturday, November 6, 2021, Big Bird announced to the public that he got his COVID-19 vaccine shot. Due to the new Pfizer vaccine that's available for children ages 5 to 11, the 8-foot 2-inch" yellow bird is now encouraging youngsters to get vaccinated.
Big Bird joins Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Rosita during a CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall to discuss his fears about getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
Big Bird's tweet concerning his shot:
"I got the COVID-19 vaccine today! My wing is feeling a little sore, but it'll give my body an extra protective boost that keeps me and others healthy."
If you notice at the end of Big Bird's tweet it says:
"I've been getting vaccines since I was a little bird."
Throughout the pandemic, "Sesame Street" has made a point to try and educate children on COVI-19, the vaccinations, how to wear a mask, and the overal importance on how to stay healthy.
Some are wondering why the big yellow Muppet has joined the raging, yet unbroken debate about getting vaccinated, but little did they know, Big Bird himself has been known for cheering on vaccinations.
A recent Twitter thread from Muppet Wiki reveals a video clip from 1972 of Big Bird motivating Sesame Street fans to get vaccinated. video here
During this episode, the yellow character expresses the imporatnce of getting the measles shot. Big Big gets in line at the clinic and gets his shot with others, and recieves a balloon for his bravery.
Accoring to an article from Mediaite, the video clip recieved over 2.1 million views just a day after the tweet and is said to note "that those critizing Sesame Street for promoting vaccine were framing it as some sort of new woke activism, when the beloved children's show had been engaging in similar messaging for decades."
The President of the United States, Joe Biden begins to stir the nest as he congradulates Big Bird with a Twitter comment for getting his COVID-19 vaccine.
"Good on ya, @BigBird. Getting vaccinated is the best way to keep your whole neighborhood safe."
Big Bird's Announcement Sparks the Media
NBC News seems to think,
"The right wing quickly seized on the Muppet's tweet."Along with Ted Cruz and his TweetTwitter rages sky high when Ted Cruz engages with Big Bird on Twitter following along with other comments, threads, and other posts aginst the vaccine. Cruz noted and accused Big Bird of being used for "government propaganda." Read the post from CNN here
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"I've been getting vaccines since I was a little bird."
"The right wing quickly seized on the Muppet's tweet."