Defining News
In today's time, Americans are so contaminated with news. Whether it's what we're watching, reading, or listening to, we are all being filtrated with some sort of message. Long before mankind could write, people have always found ways to share information. Primarily, word of mouth was the initial source spreading information and still is today. Around 200 AD, Chinese monks were using a method known as woodblock printing where wooden blocks were covered in ink and later pressed to paper to result a design, image, or a message. Years later, in 1439, the Gutenberg printing press was established to print books and newsletters in numerous copies as well as, at a faster pace. His invention has made it possible to spread news. share ideas, express needs, and chaffer conflict. Communicating has been the staple element in our society then and now more so, than ever before. Share News, express needs, form relationships, and negotiate conflict